Urs-Peter Wolters
Playing age 1
50 – 60 years 2
Nationality 3
Swiss 4
Year of birth 5
1958 6
Languages 7
German: grew up speaking German 8
Place of birth 9
Bern 10
Dialects 11
Bern German 12
Weight (in kg) 13
84 14
Instruments 15
Piano: good 16
Eye color 17
Green-brown 18
Sports 19
Alpine skiing, badminton, fencing (stage), roller skating, tennis 20
Hair colour 21
Brown 22
Profession 23
Actor, voice actor, director, screenwriter 24
Hair length 25
Short 26
Singing 27
Musical: good 28
Stature 29
normal 30
Pitch 31
Baritone 32
Place of residence 33
Thun 34
Driving license classes 35
Car class (B, BE), motorcycle class (AM, A, A1, A2) 36
Housing options 37
Berlin, Munich, Hamburg, Vienna, Klagenfurt 38
Age 1
50 – 60 years 2
Nationality 3
Swiss 4
Year of birth 5
1958 6
Languages 7
German: grew up speaking German 8
Place of birth 9
Bern 10
Dialects 11
Bern German 12
Weight (in kg) 13
84 14
Instruments 15
Piano: good 16
Eye color 17
Green-brown 18
Sports 19
Alpine skiing, badminton, fencing (stage), roller skating, tennis 20
Hair colour 21
Brown 22
Occupation 23
Actor, voice actor 24
Hair length 25
Short 26
Singing 27
Musical: good 28
Stature 29
normal 30
Pitch 31
Baritone 32
Place of residence 33
Thun 34
Driving license classes 35
Car class (B, BE), motorcycle class (AM, A, A1, A2) 36
Housing options 37
Berlin, Munich, Hamburg, Vienna, Klagenfurt 38
Primary professional acting training
- 1984 Hochschule der Künste Bern
Primary professional acting training
- 1984 Bern University of the Arts
Other training & further education
1984 Paritätische Prüfung in Karlsruhe (Diplom für Schauspiel und Musical)
1980 – 1981 4 „Internationale Seminare für Atem-, Stimm- und Sprecherziehung“ bei Prof. Dr. Horst Coblenzer, Wien
1979 Sprechtechnik bei Frau G. Zoch-Westphal
Other training & further education
Equal examination in Karlsruhe
(diploma for drama and musical)
1980 – 1981
4 “International seminars for breathing, voice and
speech training” with Prof. Dr. Horst Coblenzer, Vienna
Speech technology with Mrs. G. Zoch-Westphal
Prizes / awards
2019 Hand in Hand (short film)
Neuchâtel International Fantastic Film Festival, Prix Taurus Studio à l’innovation 2019
2018 Stilles Land Gutes Land (short film)
Max Ophüls Festival Publikumspreis
2015 Hausarrest (short film)
Kurzfilmtage Winterthur Publikumspreis
Prizes / awards
Hand in Hand (short film)
Neuchâtel International Fantastic
Film Festival, Prix Taurus Studio
à l’innovation 2019
Quiet Land Gutes Land (short film)
Max Ophüls Festival audience award
house arrest (short film)
Kurzfilmtage Winterthur Audience Award
2019 Hand in Hand (short film)
Politician (HR) Ennio Ruschetti
2018 Durchdrehen (short film)
Director (NR) Severin Schönenberger
2018 Kilo Tango 13 13 (short film)
Julian (NR) Moritz Hossli
2018 Stilles Land Gutes Land (short film)
Politician (NR) Johannes Bachmann
2018 Der Unschuldige (Movie)
Preacher (SR) Simon Jaquemet
2017 Interventionen in einer Bank (short film)
Banker (NR) Matthias Sahli
2015 Hausarrest (short film)
Man (HR) Matthias Sahli
2014 Bild mit Ton (short film)
Professor (HR) Cyrill Oberholzer / Lara Stoll
2013 Confusion (movie)
Bodyguard (NR) Laurent Nègre
2005 Grounding (movie)
Manager (NR) Michael Steiner
2003 Lücken im Gesetz (movie)
Lawyer (NR) Christof Schertenleib
2002 Aime ton père (movie)
Assistant doctor (NR) Jacob Berger
2002 November (movie)
Car salesman (NR) Luki Frieden
Hand in Hand (short film)
Politician (HR)
Ennio Ruschetti
Goofy (short film)
Director (NR)
Severin Schönenberger
Kilo Tango 13 13 (short film)
Julian (NR)
Moritz Hossli
Quiet Land Gutes Land (short film)
Politician (NR)
Johannes Bachmann
The Innocent (Movie)
Preacher (SR)
Simon Jaquemet
interventions in a bank (short film)
Banker (NR)
Matthias Sahli
house arrest (short film)
Man (HR)
Matthias Sahli
picture with sound (short film)
Professor (HR)
Cyrill Oberholzer / Lara Stoll
Confusion (feature film)
Bodyguard (NR)
Laurent Nègre
Grounding (feature film)
Manager (NR)
Michael Steiner
loopholes in the law (feature film)
Lawyer (NR)
Christof Schertenleib
Love your father (movie)
Assistant doctor (NR)
Jacob Berger
November (movie)
Car salesman (NR)
Luki Frieden
Watch TV
2007 Der leere Briefkasten
Police officer (NR) Juri Steinhart
2001 Tatort Time-Out
Police officer (NR) Bernhard Giger
1999 Aktenzeichen XY
Jeweler (HR)
1998 Tatort Russian Roulette
Police officer (NR) Walter Weber
1997 Aktenzeichen XY Spezial
Commissioner (HR) Kurt Grimm
1995 Aktenzeichen XY
Commissioner (HR)
1993 Tatort Gehirnwäsche
Sect member (NR) Bernhard Giger
1993 Aktenzeichen XY
Bank robber (HR)
1987 – 1990 Vorsicht Falle
various (HR) Günther Göldner
1990 Viktor’s Programm
Insurance Agent (HR)
1990 Auf der Suche nach Salome (feature film)
Chauffeur (NR) Wolfgang Panzer
1988 Eurocops Honig der Nacht
Police officer (NR) Jean-Pierre Heizmann
1988 Schneller Sommer
Police officer special unit (NR) Jean-Pierre Heizmann
Watch TV
The empty mailbox
Police officer (NR)
Juri Steinhart
crime scene time-out
Police officer (NR)
Bernhard Giger
file number XY
Jeweler (HR)
Tatort Russian Roulette
Police officer (NR)
Walter Weber
file number XY special
Commissioner (HR)
Kurt Grimm
file number XY
Commissioner (HR)
crime scene brainwashing
Sect member (NR)
Bernhard Giger
file number XY
Bank robber (HR)
1987 – 1990
Beware of the trap
various (HR)
Günther Göldner
Viktor’s program
Insurance Agent (HR)
In Search of Salome (feature film)
Chauffeur (NR)
Wolfgang Panzer
Eurocops Honey of the Night
Police officer (NR)
Jean-Pierre Heizmann
Fast summer
Police officer special unit (NR)
Jean-Pierre Heizmann
2000 – 2001 Götz von Berlichingen (drama)
Sickingen, executioner (NR) Ian Aust Theater: Burgfestspiele Jagsthausen
2001 Hotel zu den zwei Welten (drama)
Jean (HR) Urs-Peter Wolters Theater: Schloss Spiele Spiez
1999 – 2000 The Day They Kidnapped the Pope (drama)
Sam Leibowitz (HR) Urs-Peter Wolters Theater: Schloss Spiele Spiez
1998 – 1999 Arms and the Man (drama)
Bluntschli (HR) Clemens Bechtel Theater: ensemble Theater der Regionen.Biel/solothurn
1999 The Taming of the Shrew
Petruchio (HR) Torsten Bischoff Theater: ensemble Theater der Regionen.Biel/solothurn
1999 Top Dogs (drama)
Wolters (HR) Sabine Hug Theater: ensemble Theater der Regionen.Biel/solothurn
1997 – 1998 Verrücktes Spiel (drama)
Antonio (HR) Bernd Bartoszewski Theater: ensemble Theater der Regionen.Biel/solothurn
1997 – 1998 Amphitryon (drama)
Amphitryon (HR) Clemens Bechtel Theater: ensemble Theater der Regionen.Biel/solothurn
1997 The Beneficent Bear (drama)
Valère (NR) Helmut Jaekel Theater: Theater für den Kanton Bern
1996 The Misanthrope (drama)
Philinte (HR) Urs-Peter Wolters Theater: Theater für den Kanton Bern
1996 Anatevka (musical)
Perchik (NR) Franz Weber Theater: ensemble Theater der Regionen.Biel/solothurn
2000 – 2001
Götz von Berlichingen (acting)
Sickingen, executioner (NR)
Theater: Ian Aust
Jagsthausen Castle Festival
Hotel to the two worlds (drama)
Jean (HR)
Urs-Peter Wolters
1999 – 2000
The day the Pope was kidnapped (play)
Sam Leibowitz (HR)
Urs-Peter Wolters
1998 – 1999
Heroes (Acting)
Bluntschli (HR)
Theater: Clemens Bechtel
ensemble Theater der Regions.Biel / Solothurn
The Taming of the Shrew
Petruchio (HR)
Theater: Torsten Bischif
ensemble Theater der Regions.Biel / Solothurn
Top Dogs (acting)
Wolters (HR)
Theater: Sabine Hug
ensemble Theater derregions.Biel / Solothurn
1997 – 1998
Crazy Play (Acting)
Antonio (HR)
Theater: Bernd Bartoszewski
ensemble Theater of the Regions, Biel / Solothurn
1997 – 1998
Amphitryon (acting)
Amphitryon (HR)
Theater: Clemens Bechtel
ensemble Theater derregions.Biel / Solothurn
1995 – 1997
gas (opera)
diverse (AR)
Theater: Dominik Neuner
Stadttheater Würzburg
The good-hearted Unwirsch (play)
Valère (NR)
Theater: Helmut Jaekel
Theater for the Canton of Bern
The Misanthrope (play)
Philinte (HR)
Theater: Urs-Peter Wolters
Theater for the Canton of Bern
Anatevka (acting)
Perchik (NR)
Theater: Franz Weber
ensemble Theater derregions.Biel / Solothurn
1995 The Servant of Two Masters (drama)
Florindo (HR) Enzo Scanzi Theater:Burgfestspiele Bad Vilbel
1995 He Who Steals a Foot is Lucky in Love (drama)
Policeman (NR) Jörg Reichlin Theater: Burgfestspiele Bad Vilbel
1994 Twelfth Night, or What You Will (drama)
Orsino (NR) Urs-Peter Wolters Theater: Theater für den Kanton Bern
1994 The Public Prosecutor (drama)
Grébeauval (NR) Matthias Masuth Theater: Ateliertheater Bern
1992 – 1993 Piaf (musical)
diverse (AR) Michael Wedekind Theater: Stadttheater Luzern
1993 Der arme Cyrano (drama)
Ragueneau, Kadett, Kapuziner (NR) Arnim Halter Theater: Ateliertheater Bern
1991–1992 Kiss Me Kate (musical)
Bill Calhoun / Lucentio (AR) Edwin Fabian Theater: ensemble Theater der Regionen.Biel/solothurn
1991 – 1992 The Rink (musical)
various (AR) Bernd Palma Theater:Stadttheater Luzern
1992 The Wedding on the Eiffel Tower (ballet)
Speaker 1 (HR) Producer: Thorsten Kreissig Theater: Stadttheater Luzern
1992 The Rape of the Sabine Women (drama)
Dr. Neumeister (HR) Urs-Peter Wolters Theater: Theater für den Kanton Bern
1992 The Glass Menagerie (drama)
Jim O’Connor (HR) Albert Michel Bosshard Theater: KellertheaterWinterthur
1991 Mandragola (drama)
Ligurio (HR) Urs-Peter Wolters Theater:Theater für den Kanton Bern
1990 Mirandolina (drama)
Fabrizio (HR) Franz Weber Theater: Theater für den Kanton Bern
1990 Alone Together (drama)
Elliot Butler (HR) Ludwig Schütze Theater:Ateliertheater Bern
1989 A Midsummer Night’s Dream (drama)
Lysander (HR) Ralph Schermbach Theater: Theater für den Kanton Bern
1987 – 1988 Rumpelstiltskin (fairy tale)
Paff (AR) Georg Immelmann Theater:Goethe Theater Bremen
1985 – 1987 Romeo and Juliet (drama)
Benvolio (NR) Theater:Dominik Neuner Theater:Stadttheater Würzburg
1985 – 1987 Jagdszenen in Niederbayern (drama)
Abram (HR) Dominik Neuner Theater:Stadttheater Würzburg
1985 – 1987 The Captain of Köpenick (drama)
Commissioner, Jellinek (AR) Georg Immelmann Theater:Stadttheater Würzburg
1985 – 1987 The Liar (drama)
Ottavio (HR) Vlad Mugur Theater:Stadttheater Würzburg
1985 – 1987 Gas (opera)
diverse (AR) Dominik Neuner Theater:Stadttheater Würzburg
1985 – 1987 Maria Magdalena (drama)
Karl (NR) Helmut Jaekel Theater:Stadttheater Würzburg
The Servant of Two Masters (play)
Florindo (HR)
Theater: Enzo Scanzi
Bad Vilbel Castle Festival
Whoever steals a foot is lucky in love (drama)
Policeman (NR)
Theater: Jörg Reichlin
Bad Vilbel Castle Festival
What You Want (Acting)
Orsino (NR)
Theater: Urs-Peter Wolters
Theater for the Canton of Bern
The Public Prosecutor (Acting)
Grébeauval (NR)
Theater: Matthias Masuth
Ateliertheater Bern
1992 – 1993
Piaf (acting)
diverse (AR)
Theater: Michael Wedekind
Stadttheater Luzern
1993 Poor Cyrano (drama)
Ragueneau, Kadett, Kapuziner (NR)
Theater: Arnim Halter
Ateliertheater Bern
Kiss me Kate (Other)
Bill Calhoun / Lucentio (AR)
Theater: Edwin Fabian
ensemble Theater derregions.Biel / solothurn
1991 – 1992
Roller Skate Palace (drama)
various (AR)
Theater: Bernd Palma
Stadttheater Luzern
The Wedding on the Eiffel Tower (Other)
Speaker 1 (HR)
Producer: Thorsten Kreissig
Theater: Stadttheater Luzern
The Rape of the Sabine Women (play)
Dr. Neumeister (HR)
Theater: Urs-Peter Wolters
Theater for the Canton of Bern
The Glass Menagerie (acting)
Jim O’Connor (HR)
Theater: Albert Michel Bosshard
Cellar Theater Winterthur
Mandragola (acting)
Ligurio (HR)
Theater: Urs-Peter Wolters
Theater for the Canton of Bern
Mirandolina (acting)
Fabrizio (HR)
Theater: Franz Weber
Theater for the Canton of Bern
Alone at last (acting)
Elliot Butler (HR)
Theater: Ludwig Schütze
Ateliertheater Bern
A Midsummer Night’s Dream (play)
Lysander (HR)
Theater: Ralph Schermbach
Theater for the Canton of Bern
1987 – 1988
Rumpelstlzchen (acting)
Paff (AR)
Theater: Georg Immelmann
Goethe Theater Bremen
1985 – 1987
Romeo and Juliet (acting)
Benvolio (NR)
Theater: Dominik Neuner
Stadttheater Würzburg
1985 – 1987
hunting scenes in Lower Bavaria (acting)
Abram (HR)
Theater: Dominik Neuner
Stadttheater Würzburg
1985 – 1987
Der Hauptmann von Köpenick (acting)
Commissioner, Jellinek (AR)
Theater:Georg Immelmann
Stadttheater Würzburg
1985 – 1987
The Liar (Actor)
Ottavio (HR)
Theater: Vlad Mugur
Stadttheater Würzburg
1985 – 1987
gas (acting)
diverde (AR)
Theater: Dominik Neuner
Stadttheater Würzburg
1985 – 1987
Maria Magdalena (acting)
Karl (NR)
Theater: Helmut Jaekel
Stadttheater Würzburg
1995 Grace and Grit (audio book)
Leading role Pierre Kocher (Author: Ken Wilber)
Courage and Grace (audio book)
Leading role
Pierre Kocher
Theater director
“Toutou” (Author: Besse / Tutenuit)
Schlossspiele Spiez
Theater director “Blütenträume”
(Author: Hübner) Schlossspiele Spiez
Theater director “Mandragola”
(Author: Goldoni) Open-Air Theater Aarberg
Win Win (Other)
Paul Girard (HR)
Claudio Tonetti Dubbing
Theater director “Beatles on board”
(Author: Keil) Schlossspiele Spiez
Theater director “Open two-way relationship”
(Author: Fo) Schlossspiele Spiez
Theater director “Das Endspiel”
(Author: Beckett) Schlossspiele Spiez
Theater director “The Servant of Two Masters”
(Author: Goldoni) Aarberg Open Air Theater
Theater director “Astro-Lola”
(Author: Engel) Schlossspiele Spiez
Theater director “Men and other errors”
(Author: Bernier / Osterriet)) Spiez Castle Games
Theater director “Ganz Kerle”
(Author: Renard) Schlossspiele Spiez
Theater director “Secretaries”
(Author: Wittenbrink) Schlossspiele Spiez
Theater direction “Liebe Jelena Sergejewna”
(author: Rasumowskaja) Theater Lüneburg
Theater director “Who is afraid of Virginia Woolf”
(author: Albee) Theater Baden-Baden
Theater director “Hotel zu den zwei Welten”
(Author: Schmitt) Spiez Castle Games
Theater director “Was ihr wollt”
(Author: Shakespeare) Schlossspiele Spiez
Theater director “One flew over the cuckoo’s nest”
(Author: Kesey) Theater Lüneburg
Theater director “Die Physiker”
(Author: Dürrenmatt) Spiez Castle Games
1996 – 1998
Director of Theater for the Canton of Bern
Theater director “The Citizen as Nobleman”
(Author: Molière) at the Spiez Castle Games
Theater director “Der Menschenfeind”
(Author: Enzensberger) Theater for the Canton
of Bern
Theater director “Was ihr wollt”
(Author: Shakespeare) Theater for the Canton
of Bern
Theater director “The Robbery of the Sabine Women”
(Author: Schönthan) Theater for the Canton of Bern
2016 Theater director “Toutou” (Author: Besse / Tutenuit) Schloss Spiele Spiez
2015 Theater director “Blütenträume” (Author: Hübner) Schloss Spiele Spiez
2015 Theater director “Mandragola” (Author: Goldoni) Open-Air Theater Aarberg
2014 Win Win (movie synchronization)
Paul Girard (HR) Claudio Tonetti
2013 Theater director “Beatles on Board” (Author: Keil) Schloss Spiele Spiez
2012 Theater director “The Open Couple” (Author: Fo) Schloss Spiele Spiez
2012 Theater director “Endgame” (Author: Beckett) Schloss Spiele Spiez
2012 Theater director “The Servant of Two Masters” (Author: Goldoni) Aarberg Open Air Theater
2011 Theater director “Astro-Lola” (Author: Engel) Schloss Spiele Spiez
2010 Theater director “Männer und andere Irrtümer” (Author: Bernier / Osterriet) Schloss Spiele Spiez
2009 Theater director “Tough Guys” (Author: Renard) Schloss Spiele Spiez
2008 Theater director “Secretaries” (Author: Wittenbrink) Schloss Spiele Spiez
2008 Theater director “Räuber Hotzenplotz” (Author: Preussler) Schloss Spiele Spiez
2007 Theater direction “Liebe Jelena Sergejewna” (Author: Rasumowskaja) Schloss Spiele Spiez
2006 Theater director “The Odd Couple” (Author: Simon) Schloss Spiele Spiez
2004 Theater director “A Hearty Welcome” (Author: Roman) Schloss Spiele Spiez
2003 Theater director “Alone Together” (Author: Roman) Schloss Spiele Spiez
2003 Theater director “Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf” (Author: Albee) Theater Baden-Baden
2001 Theater director “Hotel zu den zwei Welten” (Author: Schmitt) Schloss Spiele Spiez
2001 Theater director “Twelfth Night, or What You Will” (Author: Shakespeare) Schloss Spiele Spiez
2001 Theater director “One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest” (Author: Kesey) Theater Lüneburg
2000 Theater director “The Physicists” (Author: Dürrenmatt) Schloss Spiele Spiez
1996 – 1998 Theatre manager “Theater für den Kanton Bern”
1997 Theater director “The Bourgeois Gentleman” (Author: Molière) Schloss Spiele Spiez
1996 Theater director “The Misanthrope” (Author: Enzensberger) Theater für den Kanton Bern
1994 Theater director “Twelfth Night, or What You Will” (Author: Shakespeare) Theater für den Kanton Bern
1992 Theater director “The Rape of the Sabine Women” (Author: Schönthan) Theater für den Kanton Bern